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Serverless for small projects = 💯

February 5, 2019

Serverless is an event-driven framework that I can confidently say is now my go-to for small projects. Paired with the one-click devops solutions that AWS provides, I can dedicate time to the project itself instead of trying to implement a fully-fledged production architecture right off the bat.

I started on a side project recently and chose Serverless to see what it was all about. Here are some a-ha! moments that made me happy with my decision:

Familiar build process with serverless-webpack ⚙️

100% uptime ⏱

Instant local server with serverless-offline 🛠

Effortless deploys 🚀

Easy domain/SSL 🔒

And just to cover both sides, here are some gripes I had:

And that's my case for Serverless in this context. For small projects, the trade-offs are self-evident. Stay tuned for more on how to start your own! ⚡️

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